Kamis, 15 September 2016

your reason choosing your study major at untan

Hello ledies and gentlemen,,,
My name is dwi seftiana Anggreini. place of birth date selebak 1 September 1998. You can call me dwi. I come from the city Sintang. I am the second of three siblings . My hobbies are swimming, traveling, and badminton. okay I'll tell you about my journey so they can continue their education to college right UNIVERSITY OF TANJUNG PURA her in the faculty of forestry.
when my elementary school in SDN. NO 2 PANGKALUANG. after graduating from elementary school of continuing education in junior PANCA Setya 2 SINTANG. My year end 2013 after that I continued education in high school PANCA Setya PRIVATE Sintang. when national exams I followed SNMPTN test for college entrance tests, namely through the value of report cards. I chose unuversitas cape temple, which must choose two faculties. My first choice is the faculty of forestry and the second option is the faculty FKIP namely geography education. one month later is the result of the selection test announcement SNMPTN I received at the faculty of forestry university tanjung pura temple. the reason I chose the faculty of forestry was because I saw the conditions in my area of ​​its forest is very worrying wild forest felled for palm and forest plantations in unloading as gold mining land. I loved the Borneo jungle and wants to save the remaining forests.
I am proud to be studying in public universities. Her right at the forestry faculty, hopes his future hopefully I can be a real forester who can give the example and role model to the public to remain melestari the forest.
remember !!!! we are the heart of the world's forests.
okay thank you,,,,,

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